Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kuwait Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kuwait Women - Essay Example But, gradually, the authorities have noticed that the country with abundant human resources is facing workers' shortage in many strategic positions in the country. The government has invested a sizeable amount of money solely for the education of women in Kuwait. These initiatives had paved the way for the commencement of many developmental activities targeted towards women in the country. In the past there were stories about Kuwait women which had become hot news in the country's media. The same media is now reporting that Kuwait women are revolutionizing the role of women in the country's growth and prosperity. The recent years have proved that Kuwait has also some women leaders like that of other countries. In 2006, Vital Voices Global Partnership recognized seven Kuwaiti women at the Annual Leadership Awards as honor for their historic achievement. Their profile is briefed below: She is a professor of sociology and has been active in protecting the right of women in the country for 35 years. She is now trying to make the next generation Kuwaiti women and men to be more politically aware and active She is the first to forward request to the Parliament in 1971 of the women's political rights. She is the founder of Kuwaiti Women's federation, started an Arabic Magazine and first female Kuwaiti television director. She was recently honored by the National Council for Culture, Arts, , and Literature for a life time of achievement. Lulwa Al-Mulla She is the Secretary General of the Women's Cultural and Social Society. She led the efforts of Kuwaiti women to file a petition to the Kuwaiti Government seeking to attain the voting right. She had traveled throughout the world and has been maintaining good relations with many world leaders to find remedy for many conflicts Fatima Hussien Al-Essa Al-Qanaie She is one of the first Kuwaiti women to be educated outside the country and the first to work in Kuwait's Minster of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, she is a renowned writer and one of the top television and radio host. She has been known for her continuous efforts to bring marginal issues of Kuwait women to mainstream. Dr. Rola Dashti She is a women activist in Kuwait, fighting for gender equality and increased role of women in public life. She has been recently been listed as one of the fifty most powerful Arabs. She was the first women to declare her candidacy for the 2007 election in Kuwait. Ghada Al-Khalaf She is an MBA graduate from an International University, representing the future generation of Kuwait. She founded the Youth and Graduate Committee of Kuwait, an origination that works for augmenting the political awareness among the youth. Lulwa Abdelwhab Eassa Al-Qettami She is known as the mother of Women's Movement in Kuwait. She has served as the first Dean of a Women's College. She is famous for the controversial liberalization of women from wearing abaya in 1963. She was selected for her endless effort for Social Work and Volunteerism in the Arab world as the Arab Woman for the year 1987. Work Cited Fattah M. Hassan. 2006. First Time Out, Kuwaiti Women Become a Political Force. 23 November, 2008. Women Leaders of Kuwait. (n.d.).Vital Voices Global Partnership. 23 November, 2008

Monday, October 28, 2019

Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay Example for Free

Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay This paper will examine Duhem’s good sense of a physicist. We will also succinctly discuss his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhem’s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures will be inspected, and J. J. Thomson’s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement will also be discussed. The explanation of these hypotheses will further question Duhem’s claim on the good sense of a physicist. Jean Perrin’s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The Good Sense The good sense of Physicist examined by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (1861-1916) can be used to determine very confusing and contradicting experimental results. He encouraged the use of this ‘good sense’ since there are discoveries that doesn’t require extensive experiments and the ‘good sense’ of the physicist will be the guide to solve a problem. Duhem argued that this is enough to accept a good and well-explained hypothesis. He also encouraged the revision of a claim to accommodate and balance a confusing experiment. However, this method is too ambiguous and irrational especially for those tests that needed extensive experimental guidance. The use of the good sense is too risky for future purposes. One good move that we can consider to refute Duhem’s claim about the good sense of a physicist is to examine the approach used by different scientists. Sir Joseph John Thomson’s (1856-1940) experiment on the cathode rays and the cathode ray tube prompted an innovative period in the field of electricity. This experiment led to the discovery of electrons and other subatomic particles, a breakthrough that enhanced the understanding of the composition and behavior of matters. Three different experiments were performed using these cathode ray tubes. Thomson first used magnetism to see if there is a chance that the negative charge will be separated from the cathode rays (Park). Further elaboration of this experiment led him to the conclusion that the negative charge and the cathode rays are inseparable. In his second experiment, his main objective was to know if the presence of an electric field would influence the projection and behavior of rays. He constructed a nearly perfect cathode ray vacuum because he believed that previous experiments failed because of the presence of different gaseous element in the air. With his subsequent procedures, he was able to prove that the electric field could really influence the movement of rays because these rays were deflected, signifying the track of the negative charge. Thomson’s third experiment involves the measurement of the charge-to-mass ratio of the cathode rays. He measured the amount of cathode rays that were averted due to the presence of a magnetic field. He also measured the amount of energy they have. His observation led him to conclude that either the particles were very light or greatly charged because the charge to mass ratio was more than a thousand times greater compared to a hydrogen ion. Thomson’s hypotheses were proven not just because of merely theorizing. He proved it because he followed a systematic procedure. His path was guided by previously known facts. He was also guided by the failures of earlier experiments. In 1913, there were two hypotheses that had gained universal acceptance. The first one states that electricity occurs in discrete fundamental units. The second hypothesis states that the magnitude of the negative charge is three times smaller than the smallest mass associated with the fundamental unit of positive charge. The development of these hypotheses was brought about by the continuous growth of awareness in electricity. The discovery of the Avogadro’s number, mle and e of the constituents of various electrical discharges, mle and e of gaseous ions, and the total charge of a mole of monovalent ions Ne gave rise to this outcome. Duhem should give importance to the experiment conducted that supports these hypotheses. According to Jean Perrin, hypothesis, in most cases, is both essential and productive (Soshichi). He explained it in terms of examining a machine. He said that we do not just study a machine by just considering the visible and tangible parts. We will go as far as our eyes can tell us if we only consider this. Aside from these visible parts, we also seek the properties of the hidden gears that can explain its evident motions. To explain this, we must relate the visible parts to the invisible parts. If it is outside our scope of understanding, we seek retribution by studying its components part. There we formulate our hypothesis. Because we have the intuitive intelligence needed in solving such complex problem, Perrin added, we were able to give rise to the doctrine of Atoms. Perrin’s method is mainly based on experimental foundations. We can divide Perrin’s experimental inquisition into two. The first division is consisting of checking whether the result of an experiment follows a given algebraic distribution. The second step involves using approximation of the coefficient of diffusion, which is vital for gaining the Avogadro number. According to Duhem, a physicist can never test an isolated hypothesis. A physicist can never leave the theory outside the door of the laboratory since a failed prediction or experimental test cannot tell a scientist where the error lies. It can only tell him to examine further the experiment and try not to commit the same mistake. In our modern times, a hypothesis is not valid unless it is tested. In this paper, we have succinctly discussed his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhem’s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures was inspected, and J. J. Thomson’s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement were discussed. Jean Perrin’s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The good sense amounted in this case is the rational way a physicists approach a problem. They used experiments to support their claim, not just downright theory. The good sense of a physicist accounts for his sense of creativity, how he develops his own way of obtaining an answer to a hypothesis. All of this is through experiments. Works Cited â€Å"Pierre Marie Maurice Duhem. † March, 2001. JOCEFR. 12 May, 2008 http://www-groups. dcs. st-and. ac. uk/~history/Biographies/Duhem. html. Park, John L. 1996. â€Å"J. J. Thomson’s Cathode Ray Tube†. 12 May, 2008 http://dbhs. wvusd. k12. ca. us/webdocs/AtomicStructure/Disc-of-Electron-Images. html. Ariew, Roger. 13 July, 2007. â€Å"Pierre Duhem†. 12 May, 2008. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/duhem/. Soshichi, Uchii. 9 February, 2001. â€Å"Jean Perrin’s Book on Atoms†. 12 May, 2008. http://www. bun. kyoto-u. ac. jp/~suchii/perrin. html.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Northern Ireland Essay examples -- History, Reuniting Ireland

Diplomacy does not happen overnight, and the true tale of hardship and bickering over Northern Ireland is proof of that. Ireland and England failed to agree on who held the power of Northern Ireland for over 30 years until the Good Friday Agreement, a form of diplomacy between the countries, took place. Before that time, many soldiers and innocent citizens of Northern Ireland lost their lives. Religious fights broke out between Catholic and Protestant residents. Political figures from countries like Wales and the United States came together to help put an end to the bitter relations of the European countries (Delaney). After many years of hard feelings and failed attempts at bringing peace to Ireland and England, the countries came together to try to work things out. Slowly, Northern Ireland created its own identity, and the troubles started to fade away. The troubles refer to the age-old disputes over the control of Northern Ireland. Even though the arguments lasted for several centuries, things did not turn extremely violent until the 1960’s (Delaney). Many terrorists entered Northern Ireland during that time. Terrorists who entered the country were said to be okay, and there was nothing wrong with them. Letting the terrorists slip by without stopping them had very deadly consequences. Thousands of people died because of the terrorists invading Northern Ireland. Very few tried to stop the terrorists from coming into Northern Ireland (Graham). Those who did attempt to stop the terrorists were unsuccessful (De Breadun). The Irish and British governments fought for many years over the ownership of Northern Ireland. Britain had main control over Northern Ireland, and Ireland did not think that was fair. Be... ...oodshed, Northern Ireland finally received some relief. The Good Friday Agreement brought the diplomacy needed to the country. Northern Ireland is to this day still home to many religious disputes but nothing as severe as the disputes from several decades ago. Residents are now free to be considered citizens of either or both countries, and the countries are able to work together without any deadly and unnecessary controversy. Hundreds of innocent people are spared their lives every year because the preventable religious and governmental fights have dwindled. Ireland may not have the most control over Northern Ireland, and religious disputes still arise, but the country has come a long way from the way things were. Things may never be perfect for the country of Northern Ireland, but there is no doubt that diplomacy was a great decision for the country as a whole.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays

The Novel Animal Farm, was written by George Orwell. This story takes place on a farm where the animals revolt against the human owner of the land and take control of the farm. During the reign of the animals, many conflicts occur over who holds the most power and who should be making all of the decisions on be-half of the rest of the animals. Eventually Napolean gains power over Snowball. This causes many problems on the farm because Napolean uses much of the money to entertain himself and does not take necessary action to help the rest of the animals. The author chose to name the book "Animal Farm" because in a literal term, the animals own and run the farm. This is clearly shown in the book when we see the animals force the human owner off the farm and they begin to run everything that happens. This novel belongs to the modern period of British Literature. During this time period, a significant resemblance can be seen between the context of the novel and communism. The two pigs, Napolean and Snowball, represent the leaders of communism, Stalin and Trotsky. While they hold the power, they both have differing views and attempt to gain a superior power over the other. When Napolean gains total control, it represents what communism turned out to be. This involved one leader controlling the entire body of people and forcing his ways on everyone else. The author’s point of view is that communism is something that should have never come into existence. He believes that all the power should not belong to one person because that single person will take advantage of their power and use it to their advantage. The effect of this is that it gives the reader the idea that nothing good can come of communism. This makes everyone who reads the novel believe what he believes. This can be a reliable source because what is written in context truly represents history. Orwell describes his characters indirectly. This is because of the resemblance to the history of communism. Some of the characters were meant to represent an actual human being that once lived, so the description of that character can be taken from the character traits of the actual person that they represent. Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays The Novel Animal Farm, was written by George Orwell. This story takes place on a farm where the animals revolt against the human owner of the land and take control of the farm. During the reign of the animals, many conflicts occur over who holds the most power and who should be making all of the decisions on be-half of the rest of the animals. Eventually Napolean gains power over Snowball. This causes many problems on the farm because Napolean uses much of the money to entertain himself and does not take necessary action to help the rest of the animals. The author chose to name the book "Animal Farm" because in a literal term, the animals own and run the farm. This is clearly shown in the book when we see the animals force the human owner off the farm and they begin to run everything that happens. This novel belongs to the modern period of British Literature. During this time period, a significant resemblance can be seen between the context of the novel and communism. The two pigs, Napolean and Snowball, represent the leaders of communism, Stalin and Trotsky. While they hold the power, they both have differing views and attempt to gain a superior power over the other. When Napolean gains total control, it represents what communism turned out to be. This involved one leader controlling the entire body of people and forcing his ways on everyone else. The author’s point of view is that communism is something that should have never come into existence. He believes that all the power should not belong to one person because that single person will take advantage of their power and use it to their advantage. The effect of this is that it gives the reader the idea that nothing good can come of communism. This makes everyone who reads the novel believe what he believes. This can be a reliable source because what is written in context truly represents history. Orwell describes his characters indirectly. This is because of the resemblance to the history of communism. Some of the characters were meant to represent an actual human being that once lived, so the description of that character can be taken from the character traits of the actual person that they represent.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biases Against Other Cultures

Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Like what Marilynn Brewer, at one point in her article, said of this natural phenomenon, our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction, and fairly constantly so. Group boundaries are not physical barriers, but rather discontinuities in the flow of social interaction. To one degree or another, a group’s boundaries encapsulate people in a social membrane so that the focus and flow of their actions are internally contained. Some boundaries are based on territorial location, such as neighborhoods, communities, and nation-states. Others rest on social distinctions, such as ethnic group or religious, political, occupational, language, kin, and socio-economic class memberships. When applied to interpersonal and intercultural setting, this social interaction generally generates prejudicial relationships among the several groups. Primarily, I was having a sense that my cultural group is superior to members of the culturally different groups, a feeling that the culturally different groups members are by nature different and alien, a sense that we have a proprietary claim to privilege, power, and prestige, and even a fear and suspicion that members of the culturally different groups have design on our benefits. In this respect, prejudice frequently reflects a sense of group membership or position. Indeed, it is not only the groups to which we immediately belong that have a powerful influence upon us. Often the same holds true for groups to which we do not belong. Indeed, in daily conversation, I recognize the distinction between my cultural group and those of others’ in our use of the personal pronouns we and they. For instance, because my friend and I have been comrades for quite a long time, we tend to mutually agree on many things including our perceptions towards religious matters. This is apart from the fact that we are both Christians. We also believe that Muslims have bias against women. As we reviewed some ins and outs, we reckon how the Qur’an gave women protection than traditional Arab law but did not ever have equality with men. Whereas Muslim men could be family-oriented, it only differs with Christians in that they are such in every family they have among many others. They could be protective of their families as the Qur’an only permits polygamy when the man is responsible enough to fulfill his responsibilities. But my friend and I believe Muslims and Christians, men or women, are educated. A number of Muslim women, particularly in the upper classes, are well educated and become known as artists, writers, and supporters of the arts. Nonetheless, we believe they are still sexists from a spiritual point of view as the Qur’an states that â€Å"men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other.† This makes their sect patriarchal in nature as much as Christians’ is. Because of these biases, sometimes I tend to prevent outsiders from entering our group’s sphere, and they keep insiders within that sphere so they do not entertain rival possibilities for social interaction. At times we experience feelings of indifference, disgust, competition, and even outright conflict when we think about or have dealings with other cultural groups’ members. Such social differentiation may have these grounds for conflict between us and the other culturally different groups: moral superiority, perceived threat, common goals, common values and social comparison, and power politics. Conflict intensifies ethnocentric sentiments and may lead to inter-group strife. Since we would like to view ourselves as being members in good standing within a certain group, or we aspire to such membership, we take on the group’s norms and values. We cultivate its lifestyles, political attitudes, musical tastes, food preferences, sexual practices, and drug-using behaviors. We establish for ourselves a comparison point against which we judge and evaluate our physical attractiveness, intelligence, health, ranking, and standard of living. This makes my ethnocentric view quite negative rendering people to take on social units with which we compare ourselves to emphasize the differences between ourselves and others. For the most part, the attitudes people evolve toward out-groups tend to reflect their perceptions of the relationships they have with the groups. Where the relations between two groups are viewed as competitive, negative attitudes (like prejudice) will be generated toward the out-group. Still, whereas competition had heightened awareness of group boundaries, the pursuit of common goals led to a lessening of out-group hostilities and the lowering of intergroup barriers to cooperation. Upon making substantial research myself, I learned that to avoid direct conflict between my primary group and the other cultural groups, we are introduced to the concept of â€Å"concentric loyalties.† When our membership group does not match our reference group, we may experience feelings of relative deprivation or discontent associated with the gap between what we have and what we believe we should have. Feelings of relative deprivation often contribute to social alienation and provide fertile conditions for collective behavior and revolutionary social movements. The concentric loyalties then may also contain clues to processes of social change especially a perception change towards inter-group phenomenon. On a personal note, we can only manage the dynamics of the Christian-Muslim differences by employing effective learning strategies to resolve conflict among people whose cultural backgrounds and values differ. In the school setting, for instance, there could be training sessions and group discussions to understand the historical distrust affecting present-day interactions. If my friend and I have good neighbors among Muslims, others may not do as they could be misjudging others’ action based on their learned expectations. Reference Brewer, Marilynn. (1999). â€Å"The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love or Outgroup Hate?† Journal of Social Issue, Vol. 5, No. 3.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication

Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication Effective teacher to teacher communication is vitally essential to your success as a teacher. Regular collaboration and team planning sessions are extremely valuable. Engaging in these practices has a positive impact on teacher effectiveness. Education is a highly difficult concept for those outside the field to understand. Having peers that you can collaborate with and lean on during tough times is essential. If you find yourself in isolation and/or always having a conflict with your peers, then there is a reasonable chance that you may need to make some changes yourself. What to Avoid When Talking to Fellow Faculty Here are seven things to avoid when trying to build positive relationships with faculty and staff members at school. Do not talk about or discuss your co-workers with your students.  It undermines the authority of that teacher and additionally taints your credibility.Do not engage in conversation or discuss your co-workers with a parent. Doing so is unprofessional at best and will create significant problems.Do not talk about or discuss your co-worker with other co-workers. It creates an atmosphere of divisiveness, mistrust, and animosity.Do not isolate yourself on a regular basis.  It is not a healthy practice.  It serves as a hindrance to your overall growth as a teacher.Avoid being confrontational or combative.  Be professional.  You may disagree with someone engaging them inappropriately is juvenile at best which undermines your role as a teacher.Avoid starting, spreading, or discussing gossip and hearsay about parents, students, and/or co-workers. Gossip has no place in a school and will create long-term problems.Avoid being critical of your co-workers.  Build them up, encourage th em, offer constructive criticism, but never criticize how they do things. It will do more harm than good. How to Build Positive Relationships With Staff Members Here are eleven things to keep in mind when trying to build positive relationships with faculty and staff members at school. Encourage and show kindness and humility. Never let an opportunity to show kindness or encouragement to others to pass. Praise exemplary work, regardless of the person that did it. Sometimes you can turn even the most hardened of your fellow workers into real softies once they realize that you are not afraid to compliment them or give encouraging words, despite how they may perceive you ordinarily. At the same time, when giving criticism, do it helpfully and gently, never spitefully. Show concern for anothers feelings and well being. You will benefit immensely from even the smallest kindness shown.Be happy. Every day you go to work, you need to make a choice to be happy. Making a choice to be happy on a day to day basis will make people around you more comfortable on a day to day basis. Don’t dwell on negatives and maintain a positive attitude.Refuse to engage in gossip or hearsay. Dont allow gossip to rule your life. In the workplace, morale is vitally essential. Gossip will tear apart a staff faster than anything else. Do not engage in it and nip it in the bud when it is presented to you. Let the water roll off your back. Don’t let negative things said about you get under your skin. Know who you are and believe in yourself. Most people that talk negatively about other people do so out of ignorance. Let your actions determine how others see you, and they will not believe the negative things said.Collaborate with your peers – Collaboration is vitally essential among teachers. Don’t be afraid to offer constructive criticism and advice with a take it or leave it approach. Also of equal importance, don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help in your classroom. Too many teachers think this is a weakness when it is truly a strength. Finally, master teachers share ideas with others. This profession is truly about what is best for the students. If you have a brilliant idea that you believe in, then share it with those around you.Watch what you say to people. How you say something counts for just as much as what you say. Tone does matter. Whe n confronted with a difficult situation, always say less than you think. Holding your tongue in a difficult situation will make it easier for you in the long run because it will create confidence among others in your ability to handle a similar situation. If you make a promise, you better be prepared to keep it. If you intend to make promises, you had better be prepared to keep them, no matter what the cost. You will lose the respect of your peers quicker than it took you to gain it by breaking promises. When you tell someone that you intend to do something, it is your responsibility to see to it that you follow through.Learn about others’ outside interests. Find a common interest that you have with others (e.g. grandchildren, sports, movies, etc.) and spark a conversation. Having a caring attitude will build trust and confidence in others. When others are joyful, rejoice with them; when troubled or in mourning, be sympathetic. Make sure each person around you knows that you value them and know that they are important.Be open-minded. Do not get into arguments. Discuss things with people rather than argue. Being combative or disagreeable is likely to put others off. If you don’t agree with something, think your response t hrough and don’t be argumentative or judgmental in what you say. Understand that some peoples’ feelings are hurt easier than others. Humor can bring people together, but it can also tear people apart. Before you tease or joke with a person, make sure you know how they are going to take it. Everyone is different in this aspect. Take into account another persons feelings before you poke fun.Don’t worry about accolades. Do your best. Its the best you can do. Let others see your work ethic, and you will be able to take pride and pleasure in a job well done.

Monday, October 21, 2019

SAT French Subject Test Information

SAT French Subject Test Information Bonjour! Êtes-vous qualifià © pour parler franà §ais? Bilingualism is a trait that may set you apart on your college application if the decision is tight whether or not you make it in. Here, youll find out what this test is all about. Note: The SAT French Subject  test is not part of the Redesigned SAT Test,  the popular college admissions exam. The SAT French Subject test is one of the many SAT Subject Tests, which are exams designed to showcase your particular talents in all sorts of fields. And if your talents extend into the French realm, then this exam can help you showcase it to your future alma mater. SAT French Subject Tests Basics Before you register for this test, here are the basics about how youll be tested: 60 minutes85 multiple-choice questions200-800 points possible3 different types of French questions: Vocabulary in context, Fill-in-the-blank, and Reading comprehension questions SAT French Subject Test Content Vocabulary in Context: Approximately 25 to 26 questionsWith these questions, youll be tested on vocabulary used in various parts of speech. You will also need to know a few basic French  idioms.Structure: Approximately 25 to 34 questionsMany of these fill-in-the-blank questions will ask you to read a slightly longer passage and select the best choices for the blanks. Your knowledge of French sentence structure is tested.Reading Comprehension: Approximately 25 to 34 questionsHere, youll be given a multi-paragraph passage and asked reading comprehension questions about the passage to gauge your true comprehension of the language. The passages can be drawn from fiction, essays, historical works, newspaper and magazine articles, and everyday materials such as advertisements, timetables, forms, and tickets. Why You Should Take the SAT French Subject Test In some cases, you will need to take the test, especially if you are considering choosing French as a major in college. In other cases, its a great idea to take the French Subject Test so you can showcase that highly sought-after skill of bilingualism. It shows the college admissions officers that you have more up your sleeve than your GPA or wonderful SAT or ACT test scores. Taking the test, and scoring high on it, demonstrates qualities of a well-rounded applicant. Plus, it can get you out of those entry-level language courses. How to Prepare for the SAT French Subject Test To ace this thing, youll need at least two years in French during high school, and youll want to take the test as close to the end of or during your most advanced French class you plan to take. Getting your high school French teacher to offer you some supplementary materials is always a good idea, too. Plus, the College Board offers free practice questions for the SAT French Test along with a pdf of the answers, too. Sample SAT French Subject Test Question This question comes from the College Boards free practice questions. The writers have ranked the questions from 1 to 5 where 1 is the least difficult. The question below is ranked as a 3. Si tu faisais du jogging tous les jours, est-ce que tu te -mieux? (A) sentiras(B) sentirais(C) sentais(D) sens Answer: Choice (B) is correct. Sentences introduced by si express hypothetical situations when the verb in the clause introduced by si is in the past tense (imparfait). When this is the case, the verb in the main clause must be in the conditional. Choice (B), sentirais (would feel), is the conditional form and therefore the correct answer. Choice (A), sentiras (will feel), is in the future tense; choice (C), sentais (felt), is in the past tense (imparfait) and choice (D), sense (feel), is in the present tense.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Legalization for an Ancient Plant argumtative essay essays

Legalization for an Ancient Plant argumtative essay essays Legalization for an Ancient Plant (Cannabis Sativa) Marijuana is a controlled substance that should be legalized for medical and recreational use by responsible adults. With the Marijuana proposition coming up on the November ballot for legalization of up to 3 ounces. If approved, could generate massive tax dollars for the state of Nevada. Legalization would also remove a great tax burden from the state for imprisoning and supporting marijuana offenders. Any discussion of marijuana should begin with the fact that there have been numerous official reports and studies, every one of which has concluded that marijuana poses no great risk to society and should decriminalized. (The National Academy of Sciences) "Analysis of Marijuana Policy"(1982) In this argumentative essay, I will discuss the history of marijuana, the effects of marijuana, the ways that marijuana could be utilized in the medical field, and will discuss the reasons that marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is defined by (, as a strong smelling plants from whose dried leaves a number of euphoria causing and hallucinogenic effects. The synonyms for marijuana are marihuana, ganja, pot, grass, weed, dope, skunk, Mary Jane, and Cannabis Sativa. The plant has been grown for fiber and as a source of medicine for several thousand years. The first uses of cannabis as a medicine are believed to be as an antiseptic and analgesic. Over the years marijuana has been used to treat sore eyes, earaches, edema, inflammation, hemorrhoids, asthma, skin diseases, cholera, stimulate an appetite and even to ease the pains of labor. In the 20th century, the advancements in medicine have allowed doctors to find many more uses for this miracle plant. By isolating the active drug in the marijuana plant doctors have been able to synthesize this drug. Although they have found ways to replicate the drug, it has not been as productive as the smok...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paragraph - Essay Example As such, an art made in the past may impart a meaning different from what it was originally intended for at the time of its creation. Given that art takes several forms, for the purpose of clarity, this paper would deal with fine arts, an idea believed to have been conceptualized in the 18th century (Lamarque & Olsen 44). Over the past two hundred years, several changes have taken place in the creation of art. In Asia, which is endowed with rich culture, prehistoric art is largely symbolic in nature. But then in the next two hundred years, its art is transformed into something admirable not for its symbolic character but for the elaborate techniques used. For instance, ancient Japanese art of brush painting is largely influenced by â€Å"traditions, legends and lives of Japanese people† (Renowned Artist Gallery). A renowned painter Katsushika Hokusai used free curves which were turned into spirals in an attempt to capture the desired themes. Come 19th century, as trade flouris h between Asia and the West, art has become commercialized, veering away from its original purpose of reflecting cultures and symbols. To further illustrate, Chinese works of art are characterized by abundance of flower details and other elements of environment in the goal of portraying the wonders of nature. However, what caught the attention of Europeans involved in trade are the blue and white ceramics of China; hence, the increase in the creation of this craft. Because of commercialization, Chinese arts are transformed into something that would fulfill the demands of trade. Given the abovementioned examples, it can be said that contemporary art can be distinguished from the ancient art in terms of the emphasis given by modern artists to the aesthetic features rather than on the ideas (Sipe). It is important to focus on aesthetic because this attracts trade – the symbolic meaning is not very significant. But then again, the concept of aesthetic has also evolved. Contempora ry art recognizes the independence of the work from the artist. The art has become a separate entity from the experiences of its creator (Clowney). When one appreciates an art, regardless of whether it was created to impart a deeper concept, that piece was able to relate to the viewer. Perhaps, the person finds the art beautiful not necessarily because of the message it expresses but because the technical feature of the art is already appealing in itself. In the turn of 20th century, the concept of art has further changed to the point that aesthetics has been separated from art (Clowney). This implies that anything can be considered as an art even if it does not appeal to the senses of the viewer. This is best illustrated by contemporary artists like Marcel Duchamp, who signed an ordinary porcelain urinal with his pseudonym and presented it as his art. It does not express philosophical meaning just like what traditional art is known for and it does not impart beauty either as this i s just a staple feature of male rest rooms. Yet Duchamp’s work amuses the viewers. It is entertaining enough to catch attention. In this present time, it is already considered art. The same goes for Bruce Nauman, who veered away from the use of canvass and other typical medium of art. He used his body to portray a fountain. Again, it is entertaining. It carries a certain appeal that does not require in depth thinking. What is seen is what it is. Both Duchamp and Nauman

Friday, October 18, 2019

Free Trade and Industrial Zones in the UAE Research Paper

Free Trade and Industrial Zones in the UAE - Research Paper Example The establishment of free trade and industrial zones may well be considered as a unique step which other Middle Eastern countries have not yet emulated. The UAE has proven though that there are advantages gained for diversifying through such approach. Two very successful free trade zones, Jabel Ali Free Zone Area (JAFZA) and Dubai Airport Free Zone Area (DAFZA), have contributed significantly to the economy. Indeed, free trade zones are not without its share of problems and these also have negative impact to the economy. Nevertheless, the benefits far outweigh the costs. JAFZA has made very relevant contributions to the UAE’s economy since its establishment. In fact, its share in the Dubai’s economy is very strategic. It accounts for more than 25 per cent of the total trade being conducted in the city. In just 25 years, it saw the establishment of many companies in its vicinity. The year 2010 is considered as its most successful year. By the end of this year, there were 480 companies that set up facilities in the area. 55 of these are multinationals and were draw by JAFZA’s â€Å"customer focused value proposition that brings together products, all relevant services as well as value added benefits under one roof to form an ecosystem that is conducive to business† (Banga, 2011). The entry of such investments has, in turn, benefited the UAE in more ways than one. It is one of the entities that continue to fuel the country’s growth, resulting in UAE’s distinction as one of the countries in the region with the most stable economies. JAFZA has been a major factor in increasing the country’s gross domestic product. This is proven by information from the International Monetary Fund and the Dubai Statistics Department which says that â€Å"growth over the last 15 years in the number of companies at JAFZA are 3 times that of the  UAE  GDP, and that it outpaced the rate of growth of Dubai's GDP by nearly one and a hal f times† (AME Info, 2010). It is not just in the area of investments that the UAE has benefited from the operations of JAFZA. The Free Zone has also created thousands of jobs for the locals and for migrant workers. In 2001, there were about 40,000 people employed in the companies operating in it but this number further increase in meteoric fashion that by 2010, a workforce of 115,000 was achieved (Banga, 2011). JAFZA has definitely been very advantageous to the emirates. Despite the positive contributions though, the existence of JAFZA and free trade zones, in general, has negative repercussions as well. Per free trade zone rules, the companies that operate here are not required to comply with the laws of the UAE regarding visa requirements, employment, and labour market nationalization. With such freedoms, foreign investors can develop flexible labour schemes that may guarantee higher profits without fear of government intervention to protect the workers’ rights. Hence , this puts the workers in the free zones at a disadvantageous position. While the companies within the premises of the free zone earn bigger, they also enjoy tax holidays or exemptions. JAFZA, similar to other free trade zones elsewhere, guarantee that â€Å"multinational companies enjoy full ownership and profit repatriation within the confines of the free-trade zones† (Kanna, 2011, p.142). This means that the country does not get any share in the profits generated through the operations of the foreign companies existing in

Socialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Socialism - Essay Example Marx argues that unlike capitalism, which promotes competition the quest to make as much profit as possible as well as undercut ones rivals and if need be drive them out of business, communism promotes corporation (Marx 276). This is a reasonable point; in fact, one of the main challenges of capitalism is the high competition which at times results in the ruining of business by their rivals. Additionally, since this is spurred by the need to maximize profits these capitalism ultimately ends up exploiting the workers who are sacrificed for the sake of bigger profits. His critique of private property is also very well thought out and if it were adapted, it would solve much of the conflict that occurs in capitalism dominated world as many people struggle for the few available resources. He argues that limiting private ownership would render irrelevant the need for individuals to exploit others in the quest for wealth since all would be owned collectively, he suggests that if all propert y was taken away from the hands of a chosen few, it would eliminate the desire and even reason for exploitation. Ideally this would be true, however the premises under which such a situation can be applied cannot exist under normal circumstances. Consider if property was communally owned, it would need to managed and developed and some people would have more responsibly than others in those duties. A skilled engineer will likely have to work harder and longer in a factory than a non-skilled laborer for instance, as a result, if we follow Marx’s argument to its logical conclusion, It would mean that those who do most of the work and those who hardly contribute at all would own equal shares in the property. Ultimately, it would not result in elimination, but simply inversion of the exploitation, this is because, there are those who will be working hard and getting the same amount as those who do not put in nearly as much effort. The argument against Marx’s position on pr ivatization of property can also be applied on the concept of equality in division of labor where ideally everyone would get the same wage, eventually, someone will be exploited. This is because the assumption that equal distribution of labor and pay can be achieved does not take to account the improbableness of equality of skills and responsibility. This argument flies in the face of logic and as aforementioned can only be envisioned in an utopian society; the main reason why communism has failed to take root in any society apart from direct opposition by capitalism is its inherent unsustainability. In Marx’s assumption, communism disregards the fact that its main tenets are directly in opposition of the very nature of the humans it intend to exist in it. Human beings will always want to compete with each other there will always be classes since we cannot be all equal. Capitalism gives people the freedom to compete and lord over each other, in as much as it is exploitative t o the workers, the same would be said of communism owing to the evident impossibility of logically dividing labor equally in a society whose populace possess unequal skills. While taking cognizance of the fact that Marx is right in many ways about the unequal and exploitive nature of capitalism, his conjecture on communism does not essentially provide workable alternative to capitalism. Rather

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparative on Rock & Roll vs Rap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparative on Rock & Roll vs Rap - Essay Example Rap culture involved not only low-class adolescents, but a lot of teenagers from middle-class families Both trends had been popular among young people, but constantly rejected by their parents as "bad" taste music. Rock & Roll and rap are considered as a cultural phenomenon and social change agents bringing novelty and a new vision of cultural norms. Both of them created social movements changing the attitudes of all involved: fans, musicians, managers, record companies executives, critics and magazine editors included. Rock & Roll and rap affected all aspects of culture in a positive and negative way. How people dress, what music they listen to, and what they choose for entertainment. The difference is that rap fans were more aggressive towards others. This was caused by social and cultural context rap emerged. The policy of aggressiveness was important because rap was one of many other styles and had to compete with hip-hop, rock, etc. It encouraged lust, sex, suicide, rebellion against authority, etc.

Corporation Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporation Finance - Essay Example Receiving a 10-year annuity may seem like an intelligent choice, for this will omit the chances of spending too much. This might be preferred by those who are closely controlled; this--- indeed, would have been a great preference, had I been certain that I’d still be here to celebrate my next birthday. It may sound morbid---but that’s reality. It would also be nice to receive $50,000 a year---for the rest of my life---only that no one knows how long that life would be. A person in his sixties may also find vacations less appealing than when he was in fifties. Leisure times and recreation activities are for those who can afford it---and those who can enjoy it. The gift is here, so why not enjoy it, while you make the most out of it†¦ Uncertainty of cash flow is a risk that every company takes, but then, several means and measures can be considered, and this is the significant role that the firms play. Like any other dilemma, these improbabilities, if not identified immediately, will definitely cause financial crisis---at times, worse than what the company anticipated. Like any other predicament, this can also be prevented, or improved, once its cause and solutions are evaluated. Firms, indeed, play a major function on this. Therefore, when financial status seems to be unbalanced, it is more than necessary for them to perform their finest approach that they could possibly provide. It is when they are expected to supply their much needed, required assistance. It is imperative that appropriate response and action be instantaneously put on the subject. In order to make correct capital-expenditure decisions, management needs a correct set of standard by which to select projects for execution so that long-run economic benefits to present owners will be maximized (Solomon). Not having an absolute grasp of the project may bring about conundrum to the agency---and this requires

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparative on Rock & Roll vs Rap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparative on Rock & Roll vs Rap - Essay Example Rap culture involved not only low-class adolescents, but a lot of teenagers from middle-class families Both trends had been popular among young people, but constantly rejected by their parents as "bad" taste music. Rock & Roll and rap are considered as a cultural phenomenon and social change agents bringing novelty and a new vision of cultural norms. Both of them created social movements changing the attitudes of all involved: fans, musicians, managers, record companies executives, critics and magazine editors included. Rock & Roll and rap affected all aspects of culture in a positive and negative way. How people dress, what music they listen to, and what they choose for entertainment. The difference is that rap fans were more aggressive towards others. This was caused by social and cultural context rap emerged. The policy of aggressiveness was important because rap was one of many other styles and had to compete with hip-hop, rock, etc. It encouraged lust, sex, suicide, rebellion against authority, etc.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The learning journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The learning journal entry - Essay Example The definition provided for leadership was the act of influencing others toward a goal. During the session most of the students found leaders in their parents, professors or other tutors and coaches. Through this discussion I learnt that it was important for students to have real life leaders as we can gain immense knowledge from them and their experiences will help us learn several life lessons. In addition to this I also learnt the formula for performance which was equal to ability plus motivation. Both these elements were required in order to bring out our best performance both in academics and in life. In case ability is absent, any amount of motivation will not matter; however when someone has outstanding ability but is not sufficiently motivated then their performance is bound to be affected. In order to build our ability every individual requires an aptitude or interest towards a task, and a right amount of training and resources that will improve their ability in a given task. Along with the above constant motivation will increase their desire and commitment towards the task. Motivation will help to build desire and interest towards the work and lead to goal-directed behavior. In short, when people desire something and are sufficiently motivated towards achieving it, they would automatically take all the actions that would lead them to their goal and remain committed towards it. Furthermore there are four main factors that are required for motivation namely ability, resource, information and support. For the rest of my management class I intend to be more committed and perform to the best of my ability. For instance, I should work towards understanding the content in the textbooks rather than merely memorizing them. I have come to realize that the sole purpose of education is not about getting high grades; rather it is about gaining as much knowledge as we

Al Pacino Essay Example for Free

Al Pacino Essay It is with great pleasure and reverence I present to you, Al Pacino. 2) Al Pacino was born on April 25, 1940 in Manhattan, New York. 1) When he was three years old, he and his mother moved to the South Bronx, which he claims as his hometown. 2) In 1966 he was granted admission to the prestigious Actors Studio where he was taught by renowned actor and coach, Lee Strasburg. 3) The lessons paid off quickly for Al Pacino. 4) In 1967 he won an OBIE award (equivalent to an Off-Broadway Tony), and in 1968, he won a Tony award for â€Å"Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie†. ) In 1971, Al got a shot in a feature film called â€Å"The Panic in Needle Park† where he plays a junkie who gets trapped in the ups and downs of dealing heroin. 1) This performance led him into the role that would propel him to greatness, the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather. 2) The network executives didn’t want Pacino to play the youngest son to Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone, but at the insistence of Brando, and director Francis Ford Coppola, Al won the part. ) This was the first of four consecutive Oscar nominations, and eight total for his career. 2) After portraying a real New York City undercover detective in Serpico in 1973, and reprising his role as Michael Corleone in 1974’s The Godfather II, Al’s next role was a huge departure from his usual gritty, tough guy roles. 3) In 1975, Al starred as Sonny, a would be bank robber who needs money to get his boyfriend a sex change operation in the movie Dog Day Afternoon. 4) In 1979, Al plays attorney Arthur Kirkland in the movie,†¦and justice for all. Arthur is forced to defend a judge (whom he hates) in a rape trial. Arthur is torn between defending the judge (even though he knows he’s guilty), and human decency. 1) For the next few years, Al’s career had taken a downward turn. 1) Less than expected box office revenues from 1980’s Cruising and 1982’s Author! Author! left many in Hollywood to think the Al had lost his magic. In 1983, screenwriter Oliver Stone and Director Brian De Palma created a vehicle that would launch Al Pacino’s career into the stratosphere. Pacino’s portrayal of Cuban-born drug kingpin Tony Montana in the movie Scarface is legendary Performance was worthy of an Oscar nod, which he didn’t receive. Pacino did finally win his Oscar in 1992. For his spot on performance as retired Army Officer Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman, he won the award, Pacino has done several films since Scent of a Woman, constantly stretching the limits of his craft, and ever bit as masterful today as he was in his heyday of the 1970’s. Al Pacino approaching his 72nd birthday has not slowed down. He is still acting, but not as much for major studio productions, but doing more independent type films and the occasional work on the stage. From a poor kid growing up in the Bronx, to a legendary film icon, Al Pacino has never forgotten his roots, and still claims the Bronx as his home. From having to borrow bus fare to get to auditions, to writing his own ticket, the humble, charismatic star can look back on a career filled with hard work, natural talent and people who believed in him with pride.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Essay about Sufferings in Life

Essay about Sufferings in Life Throughout the world almost every living person on the planet will witness suffering at least once in a life time. Suffering as we know it is defined as the pain we experience due to an injury, medical malpractice or even disruptions in ones family life and etc. Although we endure suffering, do we constantly suffer? According to the German Philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer who proposed that life is full of suffering and that this suffering is directly caused by the will of the individual. I wish in this short paper to carry this claim further and try to explain why Schopenhauer thinks that life is full of suffering and how he believes that this suffering can be overcome. I will also attempt to show my perspective of why I dont agree to his arguments. Schopenhauer proposed his pessimistic view on an individuals condition in this world by stating that life is filled with suffering, and that this suffering that we experience is directly caused by our will. We know Life tends to want, and because its wants are regularly unfulfilled, it largely exists unfulfilled and in a state of deprivation. By the wanting or expecting something, an individual is setting himself up to sufferÂÂ  until that objective is met. Then, upon fulfillment of the desire, a new aim is set forth, and thus the cycle of suffering begins again. When Schopenhauer says that all life is suffering he means everything that lives and strives, is filled with suffering, he puts it as It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world.(Pg 63) Suffering is ultimately caused by the frustration and conflict that arises from competition between individual wills. For Schopenhauer suffering seems to be such a great cause that the world is subjected to, he feels happiness that we experience at times is not actually happiness in life. In fact, if an individual is to measure the joy they experienced in the world it would have to be measured through Schopenhauers ways, as he states; not by its joys and pleasures, but by the extent to which it has been free from suffering (pg 64) He goes even further to say that Suffering is the purifying process through which alone, in most cases, a person is consecrated. Schopenhauer claimed that more intense the willing, the more intense will be the suffering. So, now, the problem here is how to diminish the capability of ones willing such that we may get a relief from suffering? Schopenhauer answer is actually a very simple one, although according to me not, by any means, easy to accomplish. The answer is; being capable of denying what will wants. This practice is called Aestheticism or self-denial and, according to Schopenhauer, is the one adequate solution to the central life problem. Schopenhauer ideology of life filled with suffering is a total contradiction to want to live without wanting to suffer. Of course that contradiction over here again is his metaphysics of Will. The question, really is do we suffer all the time? I would go on to disagree with this argument. Even if we do suffer, between periods of suffering, there is concise happiness as wants are fulfilled. Schopenhauer claims that this pleasure can never be more than liberation from pain, further suggesting that humans only experience happiness through the memory of suffering and pain. This view is opposite to the modern view of suffering and happiness. We dont necessarily experience happiness from suffering as a memory. If for example I have bad memories of being bullied in school, I would not attain pleasure by remembering those memories and therefore I find this argument unsound. Life to some extent has suffering, this fact is unavoidable. However, by realizing this, and by focusing on the positives, human beings can lead reasonably enjoyable lives. Therefore, an individual should do exactly the opposite of what Schopenhauer suggests, and experience each emotion, good or bad, as fully as possible. If we are to consider the roles played by both the ordinary perception and aesthetic state, it seems that it is actually desirable that things are as they are. That is, we need to recognise that our suffering serves a great good and that is the promotion of our own survival. I find Schopenhauer to be mistaken; we do not always suffer, as there are little things that make life joyous. Furthermore, Schopenhauer compares our lives to animals, he states; The lower animals appear to enjoy a happier destiny than men. (pg64) On the same side with Schopenhauer I believe that animals live better lives than us. The fact that animals dont construct memories from their past and replay it, they obviously live better lives than us. Take for example a gold fish; most experiments claim they have a life span of three seconds, comparing that to a human life it can be said that we would suffer by recollecting old memories that brought us pain and suffering. Unlike us humans animals dont bother about the future or the past. They live in the present. So when it comes to animals I would agree that they live better lives than us and thus the argument is sound. Schopenhauer Aesthetic system according to me is a completely feeble. Even if it were possible to forget and give up all of our will, why would we ever do such a thing? I understand that our will at times is totally pointless and at times a lot of desires arise, and we are only capable of fulfilling some or none of them, but this does not mean we should practice aesthetics. The one problem that I see with the aesthetic system is that, Will, is the ultimate cause of our suffering. And we can be freed from our suffering through practising aesthetic. This idea seems to be contradictory, how can we be free of suffering by losing our individualism and perceiving the will objectively when the will is evil in nature? As Schopenhauer puts is. What is believed is that it is essential for us to see the world subjectively and not objectively, using our own experiences in order to survive. It is therefore fair to claim that our will is acting in our best interest. It also allows us to have desires that are needed in order to survive. For instance, it is essential for us to have a will to eat regularly in order to nourish ourselves; if we failed to do this we would die. And therefore I find this argument unsound. It would be fair for me to say that I totally find Schopenhauers ideology of life being filled with suffering invalid. However, I do find his argument on animals living a better life than human to be somewhat valid. The idea of aestheticism for combating suffering according to me is also not valid. I have tried to show that his conception of the will was mistaken on the grounds that he failed to properly appreciate the great good that our will actualises: our survival. Overall I believe that life is good, it has its ups and downs which Schopenhauer failed to realise. However one should live to the fullest and enjoy every single moment in life before we leave this world for good.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Homelessness Essays -- Homeless families, social reform, outreach

Homelessness is a serious problem in our society. Every night in our nation thousands of people are on the streets. This type of behavior is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that has failed them. One may ask how such harsh situations exist in such an advanced society. With all the money and programs created to help people it seems ridiculous that this behavior exists. In a society where people have so much how is it possible that there are still people that have so little. The homeless are humans, no different than anyone else. They have rights and privileges just as any other citizen. As fellow humans we are obligated to help those in need. The homeless are in need. They are not only in need of money, but they are also in need of our attention and our support. Homelessness is something that we as a society need to address and eliminate completely. In the past few years the number of homeless people has increased tremendously gaining the attention of the public eye. While there is debate over how many homeless people are in the United States, few disagree that the numbers are overwhelmingly high and they are growing. In the past the homeless population mainly consisted of white men who were alcoholics. Now the homeless consists of many different types of people ranging in ethical background. They have also become a younger group of people and have a variety of different reasons for their homelessness (Farr, 1986). Homeless people have no bed to keep warm in if they get a fever or if the weather is cold. They do no... ...ington: University Press of Kentucky. Works Consulted Children's Defense Fund. (1998). The state of America's children: A report from the Children's Defense Fund. Boston: Beacon Press. Fitchen, J. (1981). Poverty in rural America: A case study. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Gans, H. J. (1995). The war against the poor: The underclass and antipoverty policy. New York: BasicBooks. Garrett, P. (1996). Poor kids in a rich nation: Eating the seed corn. In Pathways from poverty educational network. University Park, PA: Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development. (ED 406 080) Katz, M. B. (1990). The undeserving poor: From the war on poverty to the war on welfare. New York: Pantheon Books. Kryder-Coe, J. H., Salamon, L. M., & Molnar, J. M. (Eds.). (1991). Homeless children and youth: A new American dilemma. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

GIBSON’S PASSION? :: Essays Papers

GIBSON’S PASSION? I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago where there were lots of Jewish people and Jewish students that I went to school with. There wasn’t any religious discrimination at all between Christians, Catholics or Jews. Mel Gibson's new controversial movie, â€Å"The Passion of the Christ† portrayed the Jews in a negative way and not only stereotypes them again, as being mainly liable for the death of Christ, but even causes violence and breeds disgust towards them. This film will cause and outline how millions of Christian movie-goers should look upon Jews in the future, and this may destroy an important Jewish-Christian union that’s developed over the years, that bond of brotherhood and understanding. Historically, the beating and death of Jesus has been known by Christians as his â€Å"passion.† However, Mel Gibson’s movie â€Å"The Passion† is based on the Passion Plays during the Roman Empire, that were written specifically back then to incite and anger people against the Jews. Jews have been the victims of hatred by many groups over many generations. Persecution has been a way of life for the Jewish people since in every generation there have been those who felt that the Jews just â€Å"don’t fit it.† Cecil B. Demille, the famous director of â€Å"The Ten Commandments,† first directed the film â€Å"The King of Kings,† which was the first anti-Semitic movie that offended Jews, seemingly making them responsible for the death of Christ, rather than the Romans. Whether or not Demille meant harm to the Jews is unknown, but the film launched a wave of anti-Semitism. Historical movies such as â€Å"Schindler’s List† and â€Å"Gettysburg† are accurate interpretations of what really happened in history. Even biblical epics such as Franco Zeffirelli's â€Å"Jesus of Nazareth† and the hit Broadway musical â€Å"Jesus Christ Superstar† avoided anti-Semitism. A recent 2001 movie drama about Adolf Hitler as a young child called â€Å"Max† starring John Cusack, responded to the criticism the movie got and accepted input and changes from critics. With the good suggestions they received, it made for an even better film, and the public voice was heard. A year before â€Å"The Passion† was due to open in theatres, Jewish officials offered changes to the film, but these were rejected by Mel Gibson. â€Å"The Passion† isn’t the real story of Jesus Christ’s death, but rather Mel Gibson’s own interpretation of it. People, nevertheless, will watch â€Å"The Passion† and believe that it is the truth.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Richards Story

Apart from disfigurement, other psychosocial issues Richard might face include but are not limited to sleep disorder, fear and anxiety around open flames, depression, loose of self-esteem and PTSD. Additional precaution needs to be taken to make sure Richard maintains some functions in his burnt fingers. Some of these precautions should be occupational therapy and physical therapy. Due Richard was burnt in the face, other systems may be compromised. The systems that could be affected are the respiratory system (because his nose could be burnt), the digestive system (because if his mouth is affected, then his ability to eat, chew or drink might be impeded. ) and ofcourse his nervous system as the nerves in his face will be dead. Based on the fact that Richard is losing a lot of body fluid his nutritional needs are high protein food, water, high calorie drinks, fruits and vegetable, and fatty food because fat is a readily available source of energy. Partial thickness burn is extremely painful because most of the nerve endings which detect and interpret pain and sensation are located in the dermis where partial thickness burn occurs. Partial thickness burn would heal faster because it is not as deep into the skin and therefore skin rejuvenation is more possible. Functions compromised by the burn on Richard’s skin are the ability to secret sweat, the ability to convert sun to vitamin D, ability to protect against infection, ability to regulate temperature and the ability to protect against infection. Other skin functions that should be a concern to the medical staff is that Richard’s skin will lose the ability to store blood and there will be no tissue growth. His skin will also lose the ability to maintain water and salt balance. It is unlikely for Richard to grow hair to cover the scars on his chest because his hair follicles in the burnt area are damaged and there can be no more hair growth because of this. Also the scar tissue is covering the pores from which hair sprouts. During the first phase of wound healing, inflammation takes place first. Blisters orm on the outer edges of the burns as the wounds begin to form scabs. Formation of granulation tissue will not lead to normal appearing/ formation of skin as Richard heals. This is because granulation tissue is scar tissue and scar tissue does not appear normal or allow hair growth or normal skin function. Some long term consequences include the inability to regulate temperature and feel pain because of the dead nerve endings at the site of the burn. Numbness may occur, his body will not be able to secret sweat and he might gain weight because of this.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lady Anne Essay

In Richard the third, there are many different female characters that are put in contrast to men. The audience is aware of their presence and effect on the men in the play. In this essay the four main female characters will have a character analysis and viewing scenes when women overcome men or either the men make them look vulnerable. The traditional view of men was that they were Dominant, strong, brave, owner and Lord of all that he possessed. The traditional view of women was the object of possession, weak, obedient and homely. They were taught to stay at home, cook for the husband and bring up the children, also to generally do everything in her power to look beautiful for her husband. Men were expected to go out and work, to bring in money to bring up his family, to treat his wife as he saw fit and to be the master of the house. Shakespeare’s time is actually different to Richard the thirds time, however the view on women is still the same. However, ironically some of the strongest monarchs that England has seen have been women. This shows that although times change, women can still prove to be just as strong as the men. Such as, Bodica who lead her Viking troops into war and defeated the Romans many times. Elizabeth the first was also a very strong monarch in Shakespeare’s time. That time was a patriarchal society, so men, who could influence the characters in Richard the third, dominated it. Women are seen as the victims. However, the longest reigning monarch is Victoria who reigned for 60 years. This demonstrates long life, strength in war and battle, and also strength of mind in many situations. Shakespeare’s female characters have been demonstrated as weak. Such as Lady Macbeth. When she knows she has to murder another human, she calls â€Å"unsex me now†, which would demonstrate her needing to lose her traditional feminine self and caring characteristics to enable her to do such a deed. She has been subverted to the patriarchal society. Another female character that Shakespeare’s written of, is Hero in Much ado about nothing. She plays a weak character that the male villains set up a plot against her in front of her betrothed and other male witnesses. The plot is then announced in front of her whole family and household. She is disgraced and Claudio will not marry her. In order to prove her innocence, she has to deceive all of her household until her innocence is found when she can truly step back into society. However, a very strong character is shown in the same play. Beatrice is a strong minded, outspoken and somewhat swaggering. Especially in her responses when Benedict challenges her, a male character that mirrors her perfectly. If the play were not set in such a loving family environment, she would not be accepted as an honorable wife or possession. How the story ends is her strong character is just a front, and she loses it when she falls in love with her reflective character, as she does not feel threatened anymore. In Richard the third, there are many female characters that reflect Shakespeare’s views on females. The first character analysis is of Lady Anne: She is a woman in control and shows this in the first sexual scene when Richard seduces her. She is shown up at first as weak. She is walking behind the coffin of her dead father; this shows that the strong male in her life is no longer there to support her. She is also in mourning and very vulnerable as she could be bewildered about her emotions. Richard knows this and so he makes sure it is used to his advantage. Everything he says to try and woe her though, she throws back at him. Line 50 Act 1 scene2 â€Å"Foul devil [†¦ ] trouble us not† and on Line 70 â€Å"villain, [†¦ ] no beast so fierce. These are insults thrown at Richard to make it seem like she does not care for his compliments and this male character will not knock her down. She represents female characters as strong in this scene, even if it is just a front to protect her from the exposed position she finds herself in. However, Richard always replies with a compliment in order to woe her and targets her vanity. This works and she shows that she is helpless when she is flattered by comments like†¦ Line 49 act 1 scene 2 â€Å"Sweet saint [†¦ ] be not so curst. † Here, Richard is deluding her whilst aiming at her weakness as he does with each of his victims in different ways. The significance that she is a woman is important because it demonstrates her as being a specific target that he is weakening.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Are women likely to suffer from depression than men Essay

Are women likely to suffer from depression than men - Essay Example Proper treatment would alleviate the symptoms in over 80 percent of the cases. Yet, because depression is often unrecognized, depressed individuals often continue to suffer needlessly. Women are almost twice as likely as men to experience depression. Research continues to explore how this psychological problem affects women. At the same time, it is important for women to increase their awareness of what is already known about depression, so that they seek early and appropriate treatment. Major depression and dysthymia affect twice as many women as men. This two-to-one ratio exists regardless of racial and ethnic background or economic status. The same ratio has been reported in eleven other countries all over the world. Men and women have about the same rate of bipolar disorder (manic depression), though its course in women typically has more depressive and fewer manic episodes. Also, a greater number of women have the rapid cycling form of bipolar disorder, which may be more resistant to standard treatments. Many factors unique to women are suspected to play a role in developing depression. Research is focused on understanding these factors, including: reproductive, hormonal, genetic or other biological factors; abuse and oppression; interpersonal factors; and certain psychological and personality characteristics. But, the specific causes of depression in women remain unclear. Many women exposed to these stress factors do not develop depression. Remember, depression is a treatable psychological problem, and treatment is effective for most women The Dimensions of Depression in Women Adolescence:_ Studies show that the higher incidence of depression in females begins in adolescence, when roles and expectations change dramatically. The stresses of adolescence include forming an identity, confronting sexuality, separating from parents, and making decisions for the first time, along with other physical, intellectual, and hormonal changes. These stresses are generally different for boys and girls, and may be associated more often with depression in females. Some researchers have suggested that men and women differ in their expression of emotional problems. In adolescence, boys are more likely to develop behavioral and substance abuse problems, while girls are more likely to become depressed. Adulthood: relationships and work roles Stress can contribute to depression in many people. The higher incidence of depression in women may not be due to greater vulnerability, but to the particular stresses that many women face. These stresses include major responsibilities at home and work, single parenthood, and caring for children and aging parents. Social expectations play a role here as well. In two career families, women are more likely to have responsibility for a greater share of child care and household responsibilities. Role conflict is also an issue, as debate continues regarding whether women need to choose between family and work responsibilities, and about which choice is the "proper" one. Reproductive events:- Women's reproductive events include the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the post pregnancy period, infertility, menopause, and sometimes, the decision not to have children. These events bring fluctuations in mood that for some women include

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Lies my teacher told me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lies my teacher told me - Essay Example Gone with the Wind focuses not on the hardships of slavery, but the injustices of the Union Army and Reconstruction. This is very misleading. Did the South face hardships at the hands of the Union Army? Of course they did, they lost the war. However slaves also faced injustices. In Gone with the Wind only one slave was whipped for not taking care of a hot horse (Mitchell 51). In Bullwhip days: The slaves remember: An oral history (Mellon 2002:39) a slave recounts numerous whippings with blood and blisters all over a slave’s back. This is what happened according to a witness. However all races of students would be uncomfortable with this image. That is why history has to be smoothed over for children. Is it right that teachers lie to students? No, it is not right. One human trait is to separate people, events, and history into a good and evil category. The truth is not all slaves were beaten by their white masters, but many were. Not all white people owned or even believed in s lavery, but many did. History needs to treat events as humanly as possible. That means judgment does not need to be passed, but history needs to be presented through facts not emotion. Slavery was not a clear cut issue. It is difficult, but needs to be addressed by all races. Bibliography Loewen, J. W. (1996). Lies my teacher told me. New York: Touchstone. Mellon, J. (2002).

Monday, October 7, 2019

How SOX (SarbanesOxley Act of 2002) affects corporate governance and Research Paper

How SOX (SarbanesOxley Act of 2002) affects corporate governance and what additional improvements need to be added to SOX to improve corporate governance - Research Paper Example Oxley, thus the act’s nomenclature, and enacted on July 30, the act aimed to regulate and control the corporate and accounting sectors, particularly in the public company boards of management, and the management and public accounting companies (Shakespeare 333). The act goes by several names, considering its purpose. The act was referred to as the Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act when in the house, whereas in the Senate is as per the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act. The SOX (also Sabox) was proposed as an act that would protect investors by ensuring improvements in the corporate disclosures precision and trustworthiness for among other purposes pursuing the securities market and laws. The outcome of the act is sections that dictate the responsibilities expected of a public corporation board of directors, the criminal consequences to various misconduct, and creation of regulations by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) on the compliance of public corporations to the act’s laws. The laws of the act are encased in eleven titles under the elements which include the Corporate Responsibility, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), Corporate and Criminal Fraud Account ability, Auditor Independence, White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement, Enhanced Financial Disclosures, Studies and Reports, Analyst Conflicts of Interest, Commission Resources and Authority, Corporate Tax Returns, and Corporate Fraud Accountability. The section covers the legal provisions which include disclosure controls (302), Improper influence on conduct of audits (303), disclosures in periodic reports also termed as Off-balance sheet items (401), Smaller public companies (404), criminal penalties for influencing US Agency investigation/proper administration (802), criminal Penalties for CEO/CFO financial statement certification (906), and criminal penalties for retaliation against

Sunday, October 6, 2019

British Slavery in the Middle of the 18th Century Essay

British Slavery in the Middle of the 18th Century - Essay Example This paper declares that  in Britain colonies, the white masters owned black domestics and the number of black servants one had showed their position or wealth. With time, owning slaves became a trendy habit and slaves were imported to satisfy these tastes. In England, slaves were more than rejects and worthless people in the growing Atlantic empire. Slavery suited Africans since the whites regarded them as less human, which then made them predators of slavery system that removed them from their homelands and cast them ashore in Europe particularly Britain. In Britain, forcing slaves into horrible labour involved justifications from the Bible and ancient Greek practise.From the discussion it is clear that  the definition of Britain as the largest slave trafficker globally was highly due to London. It was in London where the earliest slave traffickers like John Hawkins lived in the 16th century. In addition, the early seventeenth century saw the creation of monopoly firms by Royal Charter with the objective of slave trade. Slave trade companies located in London included The Royal Africa Company and the Royal Adventurers. Ports in London played the crucial role of sending ships to Africa and America, and handling and processing most slave-produced goods and sugar into Britain. Obtaining slaves from African states was not an easy task and at times, it involved random raids by Europeans before becoming a regular commerce.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Dishonesty in the law of crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dishonesty in the law of crime - Essay Example This research aims to evaluate and present dishonesty in the law of crime. a defendant can be deemed to have acted dishonestly if he knows that his doing is dishonest from the perspective of ordinary people. The use of this criterion, whereby honesty is determined by the standards of honest and reasonable people, can be criticised since it can lead to inconsistency given that various juries can reach different decisions on similar cases. Williams states that given the low levels of self-discipline that is prevailing in the society, he advises that the query of dishonesty should not be left to the jury. Therefore, the ghosh test has its basis on the assumption that there is a single standard of honesty that is universal and members of the society that are thinking right are the ones who hold it. This standard is seen to be so high that it can place a line between what is honest and what is unlawful (dishonest). The satisfactory and workable test about dishonesty should specify when co nduct is to be viewed as dishonest. Conduct should be viewed as dishonest if the one finding facts decides that reasonable and ordinary people would view the conduct as dishonest. This test is a fully objective assessment of dishonesty that is criminal and it contradicts the ghosh test to some extent, but it retains a little reference to the ordinary standards of the community. An individual is guilty of theft if he appropriates another person’s property dishonestly and intends to keep it away from him or her permanently. (Clarkson 87). It is not material whether this appropriation takes place for the gain of the thief. This act does not give the definition of dishonesty; instead, it only gives some specific situations where an individual is considered as not dishonest (Williams and Waller 157). The Ghosh Test of Dishonesty This is the current test for dishonesty, it is a test brought forward by the court of appeal, and is a two-stage objective/substantive test (Molan 17). Th is test is somewhat good because the decision as to whether the accused is guilty or not is left for the jury. The ghosh test has a number of criticisms because in this world there is no single standard of honesty held by the reasonable people of the society. Justices Toohey and Gaudron also criticised Ghosh as having practical problems. They also felt that, not all offences involving dishonesty were similar (Haplin 97). Subsequently, there is a need for the judge conducting the trial to stipulate the clear explicit meaning of dishonest to the jury. This is a peculiar test for dishonest

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Sexuality and Sexual Health of Canadian Adolescents

Sexuality and Sexual Health of Canadian Adolescents Argi Dankhara Is sexual health of Canadian adolescents better than yesterday, or is it safe for tomorrow? Sexual health is a situation of physical, mental and social wellbeing about sexuality. An active and respectful approach to sexual relationship is necessary, as well as the possibility of safe and nonviolent sexual experience over the violent sexual experience. In past few years, sexual harassment has increased with the enormous high ratio. Rape, forced sex, sexual abuse, unwanted comments are the problems faced by todays generation, which directly affects sexual health. There is a widening report of sexual acts like masturbatory displays via webcams and oral sex games that are a part of what teenagers regularly do in their sexual lives (Stepp, 1999; Wilson, 2004). Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and Chlamydia are growing threat to the sexual and reproductive health of youth. This essay review the comparison of sexual health yesterday and today, sexual health trends, evidence and challe nges faced for supporting the sexual of young people in Canada. Adolescents in recent ten years to earlier generations, significant changes in adolescents were found between 1950s and 1960s. National Longitudinal Survey of children and Youth (NLSCY) and National population health survey (NPHS) are two national surveys using comparable research methodologies to find data conducted nationally (Boyce, 2004). NLSCY deals with research on recent adolescents while NPHS does research on data for adolescents in earlier generations. The question arise that what should be the legal age for sexual intercourse? Research says intercourse occurs between the ages of 16 to 18 years. Age of sexual intercourse clearly states that teens are not initiating sex at an early age, rather to some extent late than their parents generation. Casual approach to sex, oral sex or sex over the internet has become common activity among todays teens. The best way to assess the casualness of adolescents sexual encounters is to consider how many numbers of partners they have. If an individual has more partners, they are likely to be casual in their sex life. It is important to remember that since last 30 to 40 years, oral sex has been a normative aspect. The study says that 15-25% adolescents of US and Canada in 1970s had oral sexual intercourse (for the US see: DeLamater MacCorquadle, 1979; for Canada see: Boyce et al., 2003; Gillis, 2005; Herold Way, 1985; Warren King, 1994). Something new that has been added in todays generation is role played by communication technologies such as cell phones the internet. In doctoral research, Symlie (2008) found that teens with young age living in urban or rural areas rely on mobile phones to connect with each other to have oral sex and maintain relationships, while more urban adolescents prefer face-to-face contact. Sexual health trends in todays era have taken a drastic change. Pregnancy and parenting, sexually transmitted infections, sexual abuse, and Internet concerns are increasing day by day. Starting with pregnancy and parenting which is the most important factor affected by sexual intercourse. The majority of Canadian adolescents take their responsibility for sexual life and problems like unwanted pregnancy and parenting. Contraception, using condoms and abortions are the issues related to sexual health. Delaying pregnancy and postponing parenthood, teens today benefit from changes that were just beginning to be realized in the 1970s 80s such as legal access to contraception and abortion (Pancham Dunn, 2007). The percentage of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and Chlamydia are increasing day by day. Rayes rose steadily from 15 to 19 and 20 to 24 years old from 1997-2004. Chlamydia rates increased with a decline in teenage pregnancy rates and grown in teen condom use. HPV, herpes, simplex virus, and Chlamydia are common in the teen population, and it can be prevented by giving education on sexual health and by providing a free workshop on medication necessary for the disease. Sexual abuse is also an element of sexual health. Sexual health within the domain of criminal justice system. Sexual harassment like the forced sex and unwanted sexual comments like are experienced by a majority of female and gay adolescents of varying ages, which is the most dominant form of sexual abuse. Women are more victims of all forms of sexual assault. Internet concerns like chat rooms social networking sites have become more popular among teens. Parents are advised to gaze after internet use, and teens are cautioned against providing personal information on social networking sites. Research of police and service providers tell us that, not all types of sexual violence or abuse, majority of cases are reported, which increases the danger of sexual violence (Wolak, Finkelhor, Mitc hell, Ybarra, 2008). Bill C-22 law received Royal Assent on May 1, 2008, and changed the age of sexual intercourse from 14 to 16 years. (Discussing see wrong, 2007). The Central challenge for policy makers is deciding ways to promote and develop educational and health services and environments that provoke sexual health and well-being of Canadian adolescents not only today but for future too. Canada has a distinctive and multicultural profile. Canada is the second country after Australia to have a maximum number of immigrants every year. The ratio of immigrants is increasing every year. It is difficult and challenging for the immigrants to adapt the change in sexual scene they experience in a new country. Every country, while every individual has a different perception on sexual talk or sexual life. The graph below shows the age group of Canadian adolescents who are physically active in leisure time and have sex in their leisure time. Red color demonstrates the percentage of female while; blue color depicts male. Male between the ages of 12 to 17 has a high ratio of having sex. While people between the age of 18 to 24 are men with a high ratio of leisure time sex. Even at the age of 65 or above, there are 50% of senior citizens having sex. Average of all the age group 45% of men and 46.8% female have sex, which shows that sexual intercourse in todays era is familiar. Thus, we can conclude that sexual health of Canadian adolescents is fare comparing to earlier generations. Challenges remain, like unwanted pregnancies, sequelae of SIT, physical violence, increasing rate and changing social sexual and relationship structures are the challenges or problems faced by todays adolescents of Canada. Rather not only, Canada but also these are some fundamental problems encountered by the adolescents over the world. Sexual health can only be improved by giving people education about its effects and causes and by changing the perception of individuals towards sex, which help in reducing the percentage of violent sex. Sexual health of Canadians can be modified by taking other country examples in consideration, which are better than Canada in sexual health matters. (See Maticka- Tyndale, 2001). References Stepp, L.S. (July 8, 1999). Unsettling new fad alarms parents. Washington post. Jul 8, 1999. Boyce, 2004; Boyce, Doherty, Fortin, MacKinnon, 2003; McCreary Centre Society, 2004; Rotermann, 2008; Saewyc, Taylor, Homma, Ogilvie, 2008; Tonkin, Murphy, Lee, Saewyc, and the McCreary Center society, 2005. Wilson, S. (2004). Good girls do. Globe and Mail. 1 February 2004. Center society, 2005. DeLamater MacCorquadle, 1979; for Canada see: Boyce et al., 2003; Gillis, 2005; Herold Way, 1985; Warren King, 1994). Symlie, L. (2008). The University of Windsor. Maticka- Tyndale, E., Mckayb, A., Barret, M. (2001). Teenage sexual and reproductive behavior in developed countries: Country Report for Canada. Occasional Report No. 4. New York, NY: Alan Guttmacher Institute. Appendix Canadian Community Health Survey, 2008   Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Toronto Blue Jays :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Toronto Blue Jayss case study The Toronto Blue Jays baseball team was founded in the 1970s and experienced support from the fans during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1992 and 1993, the Jays won back-to-back World Series, yet in 1994, the team faced setbacks. The team had a losing streak, there was a major league baseball strike, and no World Series was played. At the same time, gambling came to Toronto, and the team had to compete for the fan's time. Also, players' salaries skyrocketed at a time when the Canadian dollar fell in value. How could the Toronto Blue Jays adjust ticket prices to improve financial performance and increase fan attendance? Situation Analysis The opening pitch of the 1999 marks the start of the Toronto Blue Jays twenty third seasons in the American League. In 1998, the Jays brought in their first winning season since 1993. The Jays plays in the worlds most advanced retractable-roof stadium. It is luxuriously called the Sky Dome. With a winning record like this and a state of the art stadium, the Jays feel their tickets are a great value because of the satisfaction fans can expect to receive from the ball game. Recommendation  · Price is that which is given up in an exchange to acquire a good or service. Price is typically the money exchanged for the good or service. Blue Jays pricing structure is based on the perceived value of the game, the entertainment, the love of baseball, and the action, not just the money.  · Inelastic demand means that an increase or decrease in price will not significantly affect demand for the product. In spite of the rising prices for the Blue Jays tickets, fans were expected to turn out in large numbers. This inelastic demand for the tickets can be attributed in large part of the fact that their teams plays so well in 1998, and another factor is that the Blue Jays fan could never stay away from their team. Another inelastic demand for the Blue Jays tickets is that there is no other locally substitute team.  · Blue Jays pricing strategies are not just a financial necessity, they are also a promotional tool used to increase fan attendance. How? At all Saturday home game and nonholiday games, senior citizens and young people up to fourteen years old can purchase tickets except for the most expensive ones.

The Cuban Embargo: An Economic Sanction that Never Achieved its Goals.

The Cuban Embargo: An Economic Sanction that Never Achieved its Goals. Close, But No Cigar. History of Events Before beginning my paper, I will give a very brief summary of the actions which caused the original embargo against Cuba in 1960 and the actions the US has taken since then. Reviewing this brief timeline will help to examine and critique the reasoning behind the embargo. In the early 20th century, Cuba was a nation in constant political turmoil ruled by militant dictators. Prior to the elections of 1952, Fulgencio Batista took power of Cuba in a bloodless coup. His rule left the island in discontent and led to many movements to return the country to its constitutional rule of 1940. On January 1st, 1959 Batista and his family fled Cuba. On January 7th, the United States officially recognized a government that Fidel Castro had taken control of with promises of a return to a constitutional government and democratic elections. Soon, Fidel began nationalizing all private businesses and land. When US refineries refused to refine oil from the Soviet Union, Castro ordered the nationalization of all US businesses on July 5th, 1960. In immediate response, President Dwight Eisenhower cancelled Cuba’s sugar quota on July 6th. On April 16th, 1961 Castro declares Cuba a Socialist state. The very next day, the United States, in a mission codenamed â€Å"Bay of Pigs,† backed a failed attempt by Cuban refugees to overthrow Castro. Immediately after this failed coup, the United States began progress in another operation to overthrow the dictator. This was known as Operation Mongoose, which was conceptualized in November 1961. The mission was not immediately carried out, as the military was constantly trying to reasse... ...he Politics of Passion. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX 2000. Horowitz, Irving Louis. Searching for the Sould of American Foreign Policy: The Cuban Embargo and the National Interest. Institute for Cuban and Cuban- American Studies Occasional Paper Series. University of Miami, Miami, FL 2000. Lopez, Juan J. Democracy Delayed. The Case of Castro’s Cuba. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 2002. Suchlicki, Jaime. The U.S. Embargo of Cuba. Institute for Cuban and Cuban- American Studies Occasional Paper Series. University of Miami, Miami, FL 2000. Internet References Embassy of India. Havana, Cuba. Selected Economic Statistics of Cuba. March 11, 2005. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. <> March 11, 2005.